Ericks Paragraph

Well to start things off my name is Erick Menjivar and I'm 14 years old.On my spare time I like to play FPS(First Person Shooter) video games like Call of Duty and Battlefield. Another thing I like to do on my spare time is draw or sketch things that are on my mind.One of my favorite sports to watch is football and sometimes baseball,but I haven't played a sport, like joining a team in a while and I plan to join a sport team next year. One thing I do all the time, at home or at school (even though im not suppose to) I listen to music and my favorite type of genre of music is rock,and pop rock. Umm Im not really sure what eles to type about favorite color is blue and Im 5'6.

Well,I play my fps games on a regular basis, In fact its a daily basis, but the time I play defers from an hour to sometimes four hours, and thats only including the weekdays.On weekends I can spend the entire day playing, only if Im not doing anything. Things I like to draw are things about war,mainly because war depics who we are as humans. We are what we are now, because of war and I find it interesting. I also like to draw things that are not real, like things from my imagination, which can be from weird ideas of animals to ideas from the future.I dont know what else to say so im just typing whatever pops up in my head to extend the paragraph so it can look like im typing a lot more than what im really typinig.